Girl Scouts offers many ways for our members to explore their world and serve their communities beyond Badges and Journeys. Through these opportunities, Girl Scouts can connect with their international sisterhood, celebrate history, tackle global issues, and more! Below you will find GSSNE specific patch programs, GSUSA and WAGGGS patches, religious awards, and National Leadership Awards.
Council patches may be purchased in the Girl Scout Shop located at the council office at 500 Greenwich Ave in Warwick, RI.
Some special global badges must be purchased in the online WAGGGS shop.
The Girl Scouts Lifesaving Awards were created as a way to honor Girl Scouts for their acts of heroism and extraordinary risk in saving lives.
The 1913 Girl Scout handbook, “How Girls Can Help Their Country,” listed 2 prestigious medals a Girl Scout could earn for saving a life: The Bronze Cross and the Silver Cross (now referred to as the Medal of Honor). These awards recognize Girl Scouts who have gone above and beyond in leading an effort to save a life. These awardees embody the Girl Scout spirit of making the world a better place.
Today, when a Girl Scout earns a Lifesaving Award, they receive the award medal, a congratulatory letter from GSUSA's CEO, and a sense of pride in knowing they attempted to or successfully saved a life. Please contact GSSNE for more information about these awards and the application form.
As Girl Scouts, we take pride in providing service to others and doing what we can to make the world a better place. To recognize older girls—Cadettes through Ambassadors— for their dedication and commitment to both their Girl Scout community and their own communities, Girl Scouts have the opportunity to be recognized for the awards listed below. You will find more information in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting book for each age level.
Everything in Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which includes many of the principles and values common across religions. So while we are a secular organization, Girl Scouts has always encouraged members to take spiritual journeys via their faiths' religious recognitions. Additional information and resources can be found at girlscouts.org/faith.