GSUSA guidelines recommend that the Cookie Program and Fall Product Program activities should be the primary way to earn money for troop programs and activities.
However, sometimes troops require additional money earning opportunities to fund "big ticket" items such as museum overnights, major trips or participation in program activities. GSSNE has set guidelines for product sale participation:
- The troop should participate in council money-earning events; fall product sale and cookie sale before requesting permission for additional money earning activities.
- The participation standard for 2024-2025 is:
- Fall Product Program: The per-registered girl average for the troop should be:
- sale of any five (5) items AND submission of twenty (20) valid online email addresses
- OR sale of any twenty (20) items
- Cookie Program: the per-registered girl troop average should be 180 packages or more. (2024’s council average sold was 270 boxes)
Each of the applications for additional money earning activities are reviewed on an individual basis. Submit the Troop/Service Unit Money Earning Application.
Participation in the product programs not only fund troop and service unit proceeds, girl rewards, and girl camp credits but they also provide funding for council programs, camp upkeep, financial and, camperships, volunteer training, and more.
The full details can be found in the GSSNE Policies, Procedures, and Standards.