Promote the Vote is a nonpolitical and nonpartisan initiative designed to increase civic participation by providing Girl Scouts and troops with information and resources to get out the vote and to help individuals in their communities make a plan to vote. When you join in as part of this national service project, you’ll encourage potential voters to go to the ballot box. You’ll show them how and when to register to vote, where to find key information, how to educate themselves on candidates and issues, how to make a voting plan, and more. GSUSA has put together simple steps and easy-to-follow templates to guide you through the process. Promote the Vote with Girl Scouts and help shape your tomorrow—today!
Girl Scouts has also partnered with the League of Women Voters (LWV) to Promote the Vote!
GSUSA and the LWV have long histories of empowering girls, advocating for civil rights, and advancing policies that support girls and women. Our organizations are excited to work together nationally and locally to provide Girl Scouts with more opportunities to learn about and engage with civics, voting, and democracy.
Please check out our Collaboration Guide for guidance on working with your local League to support your troop’s participation in Promote the Vote and other Girl Scout badges and activities.
As tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organizations, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England (GSSNE) and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) have some limitations that prevent us from supporting individual candidates or engaging in other specific partisan actions that could influence an election. With election season starting to ramp up, many troops focus on learning about elections, government, and democracy.
GSSNE and GSUSA respect that Girl Scout staff and volunteers may hold varying political opinions and, in their personal capacity, favor certain candidates in national, state, and local elections; however, any activities in your Girl Scout capacity must adhere to specific policies and remain non-partisan. The Internal Revenue Service as well as the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and state election agencies have strict rules regarding the activities of 501(c)(3) organizations and failure to comply with them could result in the loss of GSUSA’s or GSSNE’s 501(c)(3) status.
Many activities are still allowable, so long as they are non-partisan and do not support specific candidates as a representative of Girl Scouts. The guide below serves as a reference for GSUSA, Girl Scout councils, board members, staff, and volunteers on navigating participation in election season while respecting the restrictions on tax-exempt charitable organizations.
We also have a Quick-Reference Guide for Staff and Volunteers (PDF), available in English and in Spanish!
If you have any questions, please contact GSSNE Customer Care at CustomerCare@gssne.org or 401-331-4500 and we’ll be happy to help.
Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England is a § 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. We do not take sides in elections or support or oppose any political candidates. Promote the Vote is a nonpolitical and nonpartisan initiative designed to increase civic participation and is not linked to any political party or to individuals on any one side of an issue. We encourage all citizens, regardless of political party, affiliation, or beliefs, to participate in the democratic process.