Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England partners with over 2,000 trained, dedicated, and wonderful adult volunteers who share their time and talent to make Girl Scouts the success it is. Everyone at GSSNE deeply appreciates the work volunteers, families, and community partners do to support Girl Scouts and we thank them for their selfless acts of service. GSSNE offers a variety of ways to recognize and honor those who have made a positive impact in Girl Scouts. See below for ways to celebrate those you know who have made a Girl Scout difference. Your endorsement helps reinforce the sense of belonging and value we all feel for them.
Surprise a fellow Girl Scout volunteer with our online "Girl Scout Shout-Out" program (formerly "Encore! GSSNE's Peer Appreciation Program")! Send a High Five, Fist Bump, or Pat on the Back to cheer on your peers and recognize a job well done. Submit your form to show your appreciation!
Recognizing adult volunteers is an important annual Girl Scout tradition that allows council staff and volunteers to nominate those in the GSSNE community who make extraordinary contributions to Girl Scouts. This year’s nomination period is open until March 15, 2025. Nomination packages will be reviewed by the Adult Recognition Committee and awards will be presented at the GSSNE Annual Meeting in May 2025.
Awards and their criteria are listed below, or check out all awrds in our Adult Recognitions At-A-Glance document.