Whether you’ve always wanted to build your own robot, create the perfect s’more over a campfire, plant a tree in your community, or film your own movie—your dreams will take flight as a Girl Scout!
If you’re ready to try fun new things, make lasting memories, discover your hidden talents, have real-world learning experiences, and—most importantly—find a safe space to be your unique self…we want you in our crew!
*Girl Scout membership must be renewed annually. Membership year is October 1–September 30.
You can join Girl Scouts at any point during the year! Annual membership is currently $25 plus a $10 council service fee for youth members, and financial assistance is available.
If you need help completing your Girl Scout registration, please contact our Customer Care Team at CustomerCare@gssne.org or 401-331-4500.
To get more information before joining, you can fill out the below form and one of our staff members will get back to you shortly. You can also visit Girl Scouts at a local event in your community to learn more and get the fun started. You don’t need to be a member to visit us at these free events!