GSSNE's Leading Women of Distinction Awards is a unique breakfast fundraising event that celebrates local outstanding women. Mark your calendars for the 11th annual Leading Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony!
Thursday, October 30, 2025
Squantum Association
947 Veterans Memorial Parkway
East Providence, RI 02915
Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2024 Leading Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony last week, and to those who supported the event but were unable to attend!
We thank our honorees, Rose Albert, Chrystal Mars Baker, Tina Guenette, Elena Kissel, Sarnya KP, Creusa Michelazzo, Mev Miller, and Simona Simpson-Thomas for the outstanding commitment and contributions they have made. Each of them has identified issues in their community that are important to them, and are using their voices and extraordinary skills to make a difference.
This year, over 40 deserving leaders in our community were nominated for this award. We shine this Leading Women of Distinction spotlight because as a youth-serving organization, we focus on formative years and we need to hold up examples of what is to come. We want our Girl Scouts of today to see women who show up as full human beings with experiences across sectors and geographies, diverse backgrounds and upbringings … and who have excelled. Thank you for your work.
We would also like to thank David Cicilline, our outstanding emcee; our generous event sponsors; the local elected officials who were able to join us; and our Leading Women of Distinction Awards Committee, led by Peg Ruggieri. At the event, we honored Peg for her 10 years of commitment to this event— view the video of Peg’s mother, Terry Pitt, to see what a lasting impact Girl Scouting had on her life. We are forever grateful for Peg’s commitment to continuing her mother’s legacy through her support of GSSNE.
A recent study by the Girl Scout Research Institute shows compelling evidence that Girl Scouts stand out significantly from non–Girl Scouts, demonstrating more well-rounded lifestyles, a stronger propensity for success, a stronger interest in civic engagement.. and most importantly in this world reeling with a plague of mental health concerns- to feel hopeful about their future.
This data is not bound by socioeconomic factors or race- Girl Scouts across ALL zip codes experience positive life outcomes as a direct result of participation in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
This work is critical.
Because of our large service area and diverse membership demographics, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England is perfectly positioned to provide long-term, safe, inclusive learning spaces for girl-identifying and gender-expansive youth whether they live in Providence or Burrillville, Newport or Woonsocket. We are working across geographies to ensure our proven outcomes continue in all zip codes, and to develop membership and programming strategies that scaffold ALL of our Girl Scouts and their families towards a more equitable and inclusive community.
We hope you enjoyed your time with us, were inspired by our honorees, and feel energized by the Girl Scout Movement. We have shared event photos on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn—take a moment to relive our wonderful morning spent together!
If you didn't have the chance to make a tax-deductible contribution at the event, please click on the link below to make your investment now.
Thank you again!
Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England (GSSNE) is able to celebrate these women thanks to the support of businesses and corporations who are advocates of balanced leadership – those who recognize that gender equality supports business success and growth. These businesses know that supporting Girl Scouts feeds our community’s leadership pipeline. If you are interested in sponsoring this or any other event, please contact Lisa Ducharme at lducharme@gssne.org.
Through the years, GSSNE has honored 55 Leading Women, representing many industries, organizations, and skill sets. We’ve shined a light on those that lead the way in their community by going above and beyond to help others. From teachers to executives, small business owners to CEOs, community pillars to emerging talent, Leading Women of Distinction provides a stage to recognize the hard work it takes to exemplify bravery, empathy, and drive. Learn more about our past honorees below!